Tag Archives: Guitar Amplifiers

Guitar Amplifier Buying Guide for Beginners

Most often the focus of the guitar player’s attention is on how the guitar sounds and looks and more often the guitar amplifier qualities are forgotten especially by beginner guitarists. This is something that is happening and the guitar player does not notice the importance of a good amp until the sound he makes is not what he wants. In reality, a fair guitar will sound nice with a good amp. No matter how expensive the electric guitar is when it is played with a bad amp the sound will be awful.

Price is often the first consideration when buying an amp. Guitar amplifiers cost from under $100 to thousands. The most common choice for an amp is the Fender Frontman 15G which is 15-watts. Check Out the prices of Fender Frontman Amplifiers on Amazon.com

Fender Frontman 15G which is 15-watts

Guitar masters, however, discourage the use of inferior quality amplifiers. For one thing, these amps will never sound good and will only add to the frustration of the beginner guitarist. The sound produced will be inferior and the player will think that it is his guitar playing when in fact it is the equipment that is the problem. These amps also do not provide the volume range that is needed. What if the player will be doing a gig with a band? He needs an amp that will be heard over and above the drums or other equipment. Continue reading